
Nuts and nut clusters of the four reference genomes (Photo credit: USDA ARS)

Future Improvements in Pecan Breeding

In a project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA)...

Image of Angelyn Hilton

Dr. Angelyn Hilton

My name is Dr. Angelyn Hilton and I am currently a post-doc at the USDA-ARS Pecan Breeding and Genetics...

Image of Cristina Pisani

Dr. Cristina Pisani

I am Dr. Cristina Pisani, Research Horticulturist at the Southeast Fruit and Tree Nut Research...

Pecans of different sizes and shapes

A collection of pecans showing the range of nut size and shape available in pecan germplasm.

Pecan nut shape varies considerably, from long and thin to nearly round.  These shape differences impact...

Pecan nuts showing susceptibility to pecan scab and resistant free of infection

Pecan nuts showing susceptibility to pecan scab and resistant free of infection.

Pecan scab, caused by the fungus Ventura effusa, is a leading constraint to pecan culture in the...

Josh Investigating Light and Gas Exchange in Pecan

Investigating Light and Gas Exchange in Pecan

I am currently interested in investigating the light and gas exchange response of pecan and other nut...

Copyright 2021-2025 New Mexico State University Board of Regents.

This work is supported by the Specialty Crop Research Initiative Coordinated Agricultural Project no. 2022-51181-38332, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.

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