Recent Publications in Pecan Genomics


Hilton, A., Wang, X., Young-Ki, J., Conner, P., Randall, J.J., Chatwin, W., Bock, C.H. 2024. “Development and validation of a standard area diagram set to aid the assessment of severity estimates of pecan leaflet scab and the effects of evaluator experience and location, and leaf size” Plant Disease

Brungardt, J., Alarcon, Y., Shiller, J., Young, C., Monteros, M.J., Randall, J.J., and Bock, C.H., Transcriptome profile of pecan scab resistant and susceptible trees from a pecan provenance collection, BMC Genomics 25, 180 (2024).

Hilton A, Wang X, Jo YK, Conner P, Randall J, Chatwin W, Bock C. Standard Area Diagrams for Pecan Leaf Scab: Effect of Rater Experience, Location, and Leaf Size on Reliability and Accuracy of Visual Estimates. Plant Dis. 2024 Jun;108(6):1820-1832. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-09-23-1947-RE. Epub 2024 May 31. PMID: 38277651.

Ogundipe, S.O., Usack, J.G., Pegg, R.B., Suh, J.H. 2024. Thermal and non-thermal processing on the physical and chemical properties of tree nuts: A review. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 17: 1727-1751, 

Kang, M.J., Pegg, R.B., Kerr, W.L., Wells, L., Conner, P.J., Suh, J.H. 2024. Metabolomic analysis combined with machine learning algorithms enables the evaluation of postharvest pecan color stability. Food Chemistry, 461: 140814, 

Hilton, A., Wang, X., Young-Ki, J., Conner, P., Randall, J.J., Chatwin, W., Bock, C.H. 2024. “Development and validation of a standard area diagram set to aid the assessment of severity estimates of pecan leaflet scab and the effects of evaluator experience and location, and leaf size” Plant Disease

Kaur A., Zhang L, Maness N., Ferguson L., Graham C., Sun Y., Panta S., Pokhrel N., Yang M., Moss J. 2024. Dormant carbohydrate reserves enhance pecan tree spring freeze tolerance: controlled environment observation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15:1393305.

Lillywhite, J. and C. Jaramillo. “Alternative Agricultural Production Systems and Consumer Preferences.” Pecan South. April 2024.

Lillywhite, J. and A. Wilson. “Producer Perspectives of Alternative Agricultural Production Systems.” Pecan South. July 2024.

Lillywhite, J. and A. Wilson. “A Pecan Consumer Perspective on Alternative Production Systems.” Pecan South. October 2024

Stock, M.L., Heerema, R.J., Randall, J.J., Pietrasiak, 2024. Preliminary survey of fungal diversity in pecan orchards of the Southwestern USA. Acta Horticulturae accepted.

Cervantes, K., Hereema, R.J., Randall, J.J, 2024, Microbiome observations of fully-watered and deficit-watered micropropagated rootstock pecan trees. Acta Horticulturae, accepted.

Wang, X., Kubenka, K., Hilton, A., Chatwin, W., Pisani, C., Bock, C., Heerema, R.J., Tondre, B., Randall, J.J., 2024. Influences of rootstocks on pecan scion growth in a replicated test orchard. Acta Horticulturae, accepted.

Bhattarai, G., Conner, P., Randall, J.J., Shadgou Rhein, H., 2024. Transcriptome analysis under pecan scab infection reveals the molecular mechanisms of the defense response in pecan. Acta Horticulturae, accepted.


Zhang L., Knensis) secondary budburst? HortScience. 58(10):1192–1193. aur A., Sun Y., Ferguson L. 2023. Do non-structural carbohydrates contribute to pecan

Kaur A., Zhang L., Yang M., Maness N., Graham C.J., Kumari R., Sun Y., Panta S., Ferguson L. 2023. Evaluation of natural spring freeze tolerance of five pecan scion–rootstock combinations. HortScience. 58(10):1139–1148.

Pisani, C., Bock, C.H, and Randall J. 2023. Visual rating and the use of image analysis for assessing canopy density in a pecan provenance collection during leaf fall. Journal of Forestry Research, 34(6): 1843-1854.

Clermont K, Graham CJ, Lloyd SW, Grimm CC, Randall JJ, Mattison CP. Proteomic Analysis of Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) Nut Development. Foods. 2023 Feb 17;12(4):866. doi: 10.3390/foods12040866. PMID: 36832940; PMCID: PMC9957463.

Stock, M.L., Gabriel, P., Randall, J.J., Pietrasiak, 2023. Soil DNA Extraction Modified protocol for dryland Agroecosystems. Protocols. DOI:

Cervantes, K. Velasco-Cruz, C., Grauke, L.J., Wang, X., Conner, P., Wells, L., Bock, C.H., Pisani, C., Randall, J.J., 2023. Influence of Geographical Orchard Location on the Microbiome from the Progeny of a Pecan Controlled Cross. Plants. 12(2):360.doi:10.3390/plants12020360.

Pisani, C., Randall, J.J., and Bock, C. 2023. “Visual Rating and the Use of Image Analysis for Assessing Canopy Foliage Density in a Pecan Provenance Collection During Leaf Fall”, Journal of Forestry Research.


Bock, C.B., Frusso, E., Zoppolo, R., Ortiz, E., Shiller, J., Charlton, N., Young, C.A., and Randall, J.J., 2022. "Population genetic characteristics and mating type frequency of Venturia effusa from Pecan in South America", Phytopathology

Wang, X., Chatwin, W., Hilton, A., & Kubenka, K. (2022). "Genetic Diversity Revealed by Microsatellites in Genus Carya" Forests, 13(2), 188.

Cervantes, K., Hilton, A.E., Stamler, R.A., Heerema, R.J., Bock, C., Wang, X., Young-Ki, J., Grauke, L.J., Randall, J.J. 2022. "Evidence for seed transmission of Xylella fastidiosa in pecan (Carya illinoinensis)", Front. Plant Sci., 2.

Bock, C., Charlton, N.D., Shiller, J., Randall, J.J., Young, C.A. 2022. "Population genetic diversity and structure of pecan scab pathogen, Venturia effusa, on cv. Desirable and native seedlings, and the impact of marker number", Plant Pathology,

Smith, C.A., VanLeeuwen, D., Heerema, R.J., Sherman, J.D., Comeau, M.J., and Walworth, J.L. 2022. "Zinc variability in pecan orchards: Implications for leaf sampling and nutrient recommendations." HortScience, 57(4), 550-557.


Lovell, J.T., Bentley, N.B., Bhattarai, G., Jenkins, J.W., Sreedasyam, A., Alarcon, Y., Bock, C., Boston, L., Carlson, J., Cervantes, K., Clermont, K., Krom, N., Kubenka, K., Mamidi, S., Mattison, C., Monteros, M.J., Pisani, C., Plott, C., Rajasekar, S., Shadgou Rhein, H., Rohla, C., Song, M., St. Hilaire, R., Shu, S., Wells, L., Webber, J., Heerema, R.J., Klein, P.E., Wang, X., Grauke, LJ., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., and Randall, J.J. 2021. “A chromosome-scale pan genome to accelerate breeding in the outbred and diverse tree nut crop, pecan.”, Nature Communications 12: 4125 (

Thompson, M., Randall, J.J., Heerema, R.J.,2021. “Differential Expression of Key Floral Initiation Genes in Response to Plant Growth Regulator Application and Alternate Bearing in Pecan” Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. (Online publish ahead of issue;

Yamagata, H., Noda, K., Randall, J.J., Kamiya, H., Oki, K. 2021." A consecutive monitoring method for pecan orchards and a discovery of a mysterious circle in a pecan orchard using UAV", Optical Review 28, pages 738-744 (2021)

Randall, J.J., Cervantes, K., Ray, D.K., Sanchez, A., Mason, K., Fisk, J.N., Soneji, J.R., Sanchez, L., Grauke, L.J., Wang, X., 2021. "Insights into the impact of geography and genetics on the microbiome of Carya illinoinensis". Acta Horticulturae. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1318.34.

Ishimori, M., Takanashi, H., Fukami, K., Cervantes, K., Nagano, A.J., Kajiya-Kanegae, H., Grauke, L.J., Tsutsumi, N., Randall, J.J., Iwata, H. 2021. "Genome wide RAD-Seq analysis revealed subpopulation structures of the pecan (Carya illinoinensis) germplasm collection and their relationship to geographical distribution patterns", Acta Horticulturae. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1318.26

Smith, C.A., Walworth, J.L., Comeau, M.J., Heerema, R.J., Sherman, J.D., and Norton, R., 2021. "Impacts of maternal genotype on pecan seedling performance in an alkaline, saline-sodic soil". HortScience 56(9): 1015-1022.

Smith, C.A., Walworth, J.L., Comeau, M.J., Heerema, R.J.," and Sherman, J.D., . 2021. "Does foliar zinc application boost leaf photosynthesis of 'Wichita' pecan fertigated with zinc-EDTA?"  HortScience 56(5): 579-582.

Hilton, A.E., Jeong, M., Hsu, J.H., Cao, F., Choi, W., Wang, X., Grauke, L.J., Yu, C. and Jo, Y.K. (2021). "Phytosanitary Treatment Using Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) and Microwave Radiation for the Remediation of Xylella fastidiosa in Pecan Scion Wood". PLOS ONE. 16(1): e0244758

Wang, X., Y. Wu, and L. Lambardini. 2021. "In vitro viability and germination of Carya illinoinensis pollen under different storage conditions". Scientia Horticulturae. 275:1-7.

Bentley, N., Grauke, L.J., Ruhlman, E. R.R. Klein, K. Kubenka, X. Wang, and T. Klein. 2020. "Linkage mapping and QTL analysis of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) full-siblings using genotyping-by-sequencing". Tree Genetics & Genomes 16, 83 (2020).

Mokari, E., Samani, Z., Heerema, R.J., and Ward, F. 2021. "Evaluation of long-term climate change impact on the growing season and water use of mature pecan in Lower Rio Grande Valley". Agricultural Water Management 252: 106893 (


Bentley, N., L.J. Grauke, K. Kubenka, R.R. Klein, X. Wang, E. Ruhlman and P. Klein (2020) "Linkage Mapping and QTL Analysis of Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) Full-Siblings Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing". Tree Genetics & Genomes 16: 83. doi: 10.1007/s11295-020-01476-6

Bock, C.H., Alarcon, Y., Conner, P.J., Young, C.A., Randall, J.J., Pisani, C., Grauke, L.J., Wang, X., and Monteros, M.J. 2020. "Foliage and fruit susceptibility of a pecan provenance collection to scab, caused by Venturia effusa". CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 1, 19. (

Fairbanks, W. S., Rohla, C. T. & Webb, S. L. (2020). "Surficial soil damage by wild pigs (Sus scrofa) decreases pecan harvest efficiency". Crop Protection, 128, (

Hilton, A., Wang, X., Zhang, M., Cervantes, K., French, J., Randall, J.J., Bock, C., Grauke, LJ., Jo, Y.K. 2020. “Improved methods for detecting Xylella fastidiosa in pecan and related Carya species.” European Plant Pathology,. 157:899–918 (

Ouedraogo, F. B., Brorsen, B. W., Biermacher, J. T. & Rohla, C. T. (2020). "Effects of Pruning at Planting on Pecan Trunk Development and Total Shoot Growth". HortTechnology, 30 (2), 248-250 doi: (

Wang, X., Shadgou Rhein, H., Jenkins, J., Schmutz, J., Grimwood, J., Grauke, LJ, Randall, J.J., 2020. “Chloroplast genome sequences of Carya illinoinensis from two distinct geographic populations.” Trees and Genomes, 16:48. (

Wang, Y., Heerema, R.J., Walworth, J.L., Dungan, B., VanLeeuwen, D., and Holguin, F.O. 2020. "Nutraceutical properties of pecan kernels are affected by soil zinc fertilizer application". HortScience 55(12): 2001-2007, (

Gong, Y., Pegg, R.B., Kerrihard, A.L., Lewis, B.E., and Heerema, R.J. 2020. "Pecan kernel phenolics content and antioxidant capacity are enhanced by mechanical pruning and higher fruit position in the tree canopy". Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 145:193–202 (

Moran-Duran, S.A., Flynn, R.P., Heerema, R.J., and VanLeeuwen, D. 2020 "Leaf net photosynthesis, leaf greenness, and shoot lignin content of nonbearing pecan trees at two nitrogen and nickel application rates." HortScience, 55(2): 231-236.

Winter, D.J., Charlton, N.D., Krom, N., Shiller, J., Bock, C.H., Cox, M.P., and Young, C.A. 2020. "Chromosome-Level Reference Genome of Venturia effusa, Causative Agent of Pecan Scab". Mol Plant Microbe Interactions 33:149-152. (


Bentley, N., L.J. Grauke and P. Klein (2019) "Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) and SNP Marker Analysis of Diverse Accessions of Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)". Tree Genetics & Genomes 15:8 (

Thompson, M.Y., Randall, J.J., Heerema, R.J., VanLeeuwen, D., 2019. “Exogenous Plant Growth Regulators Show Promise for Management of Alternate Bearing in Pecans”. HortScience 54(7) pgs. 1204-1207.

Huang, Y., Xiao, L., Zhang, R., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Huang, C., Huang, R., Luan, Y., Fan, T., Wang, J., Shen, C., Zhang, S., Wang, X., Randall, J.J., Zheng, B., Wu, J., Zhang, Q., Xia, G., Xu, C., Chen, M., Zhang, L., Jiang, W., Gao, L., Chen, Z., Leslie, C.A., Grauke, L.J., Huang, J., 2019. “The genomes of pecan and Chinese hickory provide insights into Carya evolution and nut nutrition”, GigaScience. May 1, 8(5).


Tuskan, G.A., Groover, A.T., Schmutz, J. DiFazio, S.P., Myburg, A., Grattapaglia, D., Smart, L., Yin, T., Aury, J.M., Kremer, A., Leroy, T., LeProvost, G., Plomion, C., Carlson, J.E., Randall, J.J., Westbrook, J., Grimwood, J., Muchero, W., Jacobson, D., Michener, J.K. "Hardwood tree genomics: Unlocking woody plant biology". Frontiers in Plant Science. (, 2018.

Bock, C.H., Oliver, J.E., Chen, C., Hotchkiss, M.E., Stevenson, K.L., Wang, X., Grauke, L.J., Hilton, A.E., Jo, Y.K., and Randall, J.J., 2018. “Pecan bacterial leaf scorch, caused by Xylella fastidiosa, is endemic in Georgia pecan (Carya illinoinensis) orchards”. Plant Health Progress, 19(4), 284-287. (

Wood, B.W. and Bock, C.H. "Influence of fungicides on gas exchange of pecan foliage". Plant Pathol. 67: 265-276. 2018.

Bock, C.H., Young, C.A., Stevenson, K. L., and Charlton, N.D. "Fine scale population genetic structure and within tree distribution of mating types of Venturia effusa, cause of pecan scab in the U.S.A". Phytopathology 108: 1326-1336. 2018.

Chen, C., Bock, C. H., and Wood, B. W. 2018. "Draft genome sequence of Venturia carpophila, the causal agent of peach scab. Stand". Genom. Sci. 12: 68. 2018.

Young, C.A., Bock, C.H., Charlton, N.D., Chakradhar, M., Krom, N., Bowen, J.K., Templeton, M., Plummer, K.M. and Wood, B.W. "Evidence for sexual reproduction: identification, frequency and spatial distribution of Venturia effusa (pecan scab) mating type idiomorphs". Phytopathology 108: 837-846. 2018.

Conner, P. 2018. "‘Avalon’, a new pecan cultivar with high levels of resistance to pecan scab". HortScience 53:1915-1918.

Wells, L. 2018. "Mechanical Hedge Pruning Affects Nut Size, Nut Quality, Wind Damage, and Stem Water Potential of Pecan in Humid Conditions". HortScience 53:1203–1207.


Hilton, A., Jo, Y.K, Cervantes, K., Stamler, R.A., French, J.M., Heerema, R.J., Goldberg, N.P., Sherman, J., Wang, X., Randall, J.J., Grauke, L.J., 2017. “First report of Xylella fastidiosa in Carya illinoinensis in Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Texas”. Plant Disease (

Sherman, J.D., VanLeeuwen, D., St. Hilaire, R., and Heerema, R.J. 2017. "Optimum manganese nutrition improves photosynthesis of immature pecan trees grown in the Mesilla Valley, New Mexico". HortScience 52(4): 634-640.

Walworth, J.L., White, S.A., Comeau, M.J., and Heerema, R.J. 2017. "Soil-applied Zn-EDTA: Vegetative growth, nut production, and nutrient acquisition of immature pecan grown in an alkaline, calcareous soil". HortScience 52(2): 301-305.

Heerema, R.J., VanLeeuwen, D., Thompson, M.Y., Sherman, J.D., Comeau, M.J., and Walworth, J.L., 2017. "Soil-application of Zinc-EDTA increases leaf photosynthesis of immature ‘Wichita’ pecan trees". Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 142(1):27-35.

Bock, C. H., Hotchkiss, M. W., Brenneman, T. B., Stevenson, K. L., Goff, W. D., Smith, M. W., Wells, L., and Wood, B. W. 2017. "Severity of scab and its effect on fruit weight in mechanically hedge-pruned and topped pecan trees". Plant Dis. 101: 785-793. 2017.

Bock, C.H., Hotchkiss, M.W., Young, C.A., Charlton, N.D., Chakradhar, M., Stevenson, K.L. and Wood, B.W. 2017. "Population genetic structure of Venturia effusa, cause of pecan scab, in the southeastern United States". Phytopathology 107: 607-619. 2017.

Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Cottrell, T. E., Bock, C.H., Mai, K., Boykin, D., Wells, L., Hudson, W.G. and Mizell, R.F. III. 2017. "Control of pecan weevil with microbial biopesticides". Env. Entomol. 46: 1299-1304. 2017.

Bock, C.H., Hotchkiss, M.W., and Wood, B.W. 2017. "Fruit and nut weight in pecan tree canopies in relation to the severity of pecan scab at different heights". Forest Pathol. 47: e12331. 2017.


Grauke, L.J., A.M. Mendoza-Herrera, D.M. Stelly and P.E. Klein (2016) "‘Jones Hybrid’ Hickory: A Case Study in Carya Curation". SpringerPlus 5: 1860.

Wells, L. 2016. "Pecan water requirements and irrigation scheduling". Univ. GA Extension Circular 1106.

Bock, C.H., Grauke, L.J., Conner, P., Burrell, S.L., Hotchkiss, M.W., Boykin, D. and Wood, B.W. 2016a. "Scab susceptibility of a provenance collection of pecan in three different seasons in the southeastern USA". Plant Dis. 100: 1937-1945.

Bock, C.H., Grauke, L.J., Conner, P., Burrell, S.L., Hotchkiss, M.W., Boykin, D., and Wood, B.W. 2016b. "Scab Susceptibility of a Provenance Collection of Pecan in Three Different Seasons in the Southeastern United States". Plant Disease 100, 1937–1945. (

Grauke, L.J., Wood, B., Harris, M., 2016. "Crop vulnerability: Carya". HortScience 51, 653–663.

Trade Magazines

Hilton, A.E. and Randall, J.J. “Improved Detection of Xylella Fastidiosa in Pecan.” Pecan South Magazine. August 2020.

Grauke, L J. (2019). "Family Trees: Looking back, going forward". Pecan South 52(1):42-49,50-53.

Grauke, L J. (2019). "Family trees: Roots and resilience". Pecan South 52(4):12-15, 17,18,20-21.

Grauke, L.J., 2019a. "Family Trees: Generations & Propagations". Pecan South Magazine 52, 6–25.

Grauke, L.J., 2019b. "Family Trees: The Next Generation". Pecan South Magazine 52, 34–44.

Grauke, LJ, 2020, Dennis Ring, Pecan South

Monteros, M.J. (2019) "More efficient plants ahead, thanks to genomic technologies". Noble News & Views. Vol 37: issue 8.

Randall, J.J., (2019) "Powering Pecans, leveraging genetics to defend crops against disease and weather". Retaking the Field: Science Breakthroughs for thriving farms and a healthier nation. Volume 4, pg. 14-15; March 2019.

Young, C. and N. Charlton. "How to identify and control pecan scab". Available at:

Copyright 2021-2025 New Mexico State University Board of Regents.

This work is supported by the Specialty Crop Research Initiative Coordinated Agricultural Project no. 2022-51181-38332, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.

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