Conference Papers and Presentations


Bracamontes, S. (Presenter), R. Heerema, Western Pecan Growers Association Conference and Tradeshow, Las Cruces, NM, “In a Nutshell: The Inner Workings of a Pecan Leaf” (March 4, 2024)

Anna Harmon, Jennifer Randall "Nothing to Sneeze at: Elucidating the Role of Allergen Genes in Carya illinoinensis" - Presentation (Research & Creativity Week) New Mexico State University Feb 29, 2024

Anna Harmon, Hormat Shagdou Rhein Jennifer Randall "Elucidating the Role of Allergen Genes in Pecan" - Poster (ACES Open House) NMSU. April 6, 2024

Sahithi Reddy Pulicherla, Chris Mattison, Doris Alexa Arnedo, Jennifer Randall. (2024) "Unraveling the role of LEA(Late embryogenesis abundant) genes in pecan stress resilience." American Society of Horticultural Sciences 2024 Annual Conference. (Oral presentation)

Sahithi Pulicherla, Jennifer Randall (2024) "Role of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) genes in stress regulation of pecan (Carya illinoinensis)". Research and creativity week, NMSU. (Oral presentation).

Jennifer Randall ‘The Half Circle of Life! The genetics involved in the development of flowers, pollen, and nuts in pecan trees'. The International Plant and Animal Genomics Conference, San Diego, January 2024.

Madison Marcus, Andra Andazola, Kimberly Cervantes, Anna Harmon, Richard J. Heerema, Jennifer J. Randall (2024) ‘Does water deficit conditions impact pollen viability and pollen tube formation of the pecan cultivar ‘Pawnee’?’ Research AND Creativity Week, NMSU, Las Cruces, NM.

Paul Gabriel, Andra Andazola, Jennifer Randall 'Nutrient Uptake Channels/Genes of Pecans Allow Crosstalk Between Pecan and Its Immediate Environment.' 58th Annual Western Pecan Growers Association Conference, March 3-5th, 2024.

Sahithi Pulicherla, Jennifer Randall (2024) "Characterization of Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) genes in Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)". ACES open house, NMSU. (Poster presentation). 


Wang, X., Kubenka, K., Hilton, A., Tondre, B., Chatwin, W., Pisani, C., Bock, C., Heerema, R. (Presenter), Randall, J. J., International Symposium on Walnut and Pecan, International Society for Horticultural Science, Grenoble, France, "Influences of rootstocks on pecan scion growth in a replicated test orchard", Scope: International, published in proceedings, Invited or Accepted? Accepted. (June 13, 2023).

Sahithi Pulicherla, Jennifer Randall (2023) "Characterization of Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) genes in Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)". Graduate research and arts symposium, NMSU. (Poster presentation)

Stock, M. (Presenter), Heerema, R., Randall, J. J., Pietrasiak, N., International Symposium on Walnut and Pecan, International Society for Horticultural Science, Grenoble, France, "Surveying fungal diversity in pecan orchards of the Southwestern USA", Scope: International, published in proceedings, Invited or Accepted? Accepted. (June 14, 2023).

Heerema, R. (Presenter), Arizona Pecan Growers Conference, Arizona Pecan Growers Association, Tucson, AZ, "Getting to the root of pecan production", Scope: Regional. (August 25, 2023).

Heerema, R. (Presenter), Stock, M., Randall, J. J., Pietrasiak, N., New Mexico Pecan Growers Association Conference, NMPGA, Las Cruces, NM, "Beneficial fungi on and around pecan roots", Scope: State. (October 27, 2023).

Heerema, R. (Presenter), Simposio Internacional de Nogal Pecanero, INIFAP, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, "Getting to the root of pecan production", Scope: International, published in proceedings. (September 14, 2023).

Stock, M. (Presenter), Heerema, R., Randall, J. J., Pietrasiak, N., Western Pecan Growers September Webinar, Western Pecan Growers Association, Zoom (presented live), "Soil Fungi in Pecan Orchards", Scope: Regional. (September 12, 2023).

Paul Gabriel, Andra Andazola, Jennifer Randall 'Nutrient Uptake Channels/Genes of Pecans Allow Crosstalk between Pecan and Its Immediate Environment.' American Society for Horticultural Science, August 2023

Jennifer Randall, ‘Trees for the future’ Western Pecan webinar November 14, 2023.


Randall, J.J., 2022, "Updates on Pecan Genetic Research", Tri-State Pecan Conference (Virtual), LA June 2022.

Randall, J.J., 2022. "Seed transmission of Xylella fastidiosa in pecan", Tri-State Pecan Conference (Virtual), LA, June 2022

Randall, J.J., 2022, "Advances in Pecan Genetics" Georgia Pecan Growers Association annual conference, March 2022.


Bhatarrai, G., V. Bonhomme, and P. Conner. 2021. Image-based morphometric analysis revealed moderate to highly heritable nut shape traits in pecan. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Ann. Conf., Aug 2021. Denver, CO.

Bock, C., Charlton, N., Shiller, J., Randall, J.J., Young, C.A., 2021, Effect of number of microsatellite markers on estimates of population genetic diversity and structure in pecan scab pathogen,Venturia effusa, American Society of Phytopathology Annual Conference, Phytopathology 110:S2.69.

Clermont, K., Mattison, C. 2021, "Pecan Allergen Accumulation and Peptide Monitoring" American Chemical Society Spring 2021 meeting, Biological Chemistry Division, April 14, 2021, online

Conner, P. 2021. Pecan tree breeding at the University of Georgia. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Ann. Conf. Aug. 7, 2021. Denver, CO.

Debnath, Tathagata and M. Song. 2021. "Fast optimal circular clustering and applications on round genomes," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. doi:10.1109/TCBB.2021.3077573

Grauke, LJ. 2021. 'Carya Vulnerability', Oral/Virtual presentation August 2021.

Lovell, J., 2021, "Pan-genome annotations to connect genetic variants de novo assemblies", JGI.

Lovell, J., 2021, "Building and studying complex plant genomes for crop improvement", Colorado State University.

Mattison, C. 2021. "Food Allergen Preventive Controls For Human Food" Invited online/virtual oral presentation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, February 24, 2021

Mattison, C. 2021. "Pecan Allergen Accumulation and Peptide Monitoring" Online/virtual poster presentation American Chemical Society Spring 2021 meeting, Biological Chemistry Division, April 14, 2021

Mattison, C. 2021. "Characterization of Food and Arthropod Allergens" Invited online/virtual oral presentation at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences. University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, November 6th, 2020

Randall, J.J., 2021, "Pecan Genetics-Shaping the future of pecan". Oklahoma Pecan Growers Annual Conference, June 2021, virtual/oral presentation.

Randall, J.J., 2021. "Shaping the future of the pecan industry through genetics", Texas Pecan Growers Conference, July 2021, San Marcos, Texas.

Randall, J., 2021, 'Advancements in Genetic Tools for the Industry', Arizona Pecan Growers Association oral presentation. August 27th, Tucson, AZ.

Randall, J., 2021, 'Advancements in Genetic Tools for the Industry', Arizona Pecan Growers Association oral presentation. August 27th, Tucson, AZ.

St. Hilaire, L., Rhein, H., Mason, K., Heerema, R., Randall, J.J., 2021, "Characterization of putative flowering genes located on chromosome 4 in Carya illinoinensis", ASHS August 2021, Denver, CO.


Randall, J.J., 2020, "Genetic Tools for Pecans", XXI Simposio Internacional de Nogal Pecanero, On-line.

Bock, C.H., Young, C.A., Zhang, M., Chen, C., Brannen, P.M., Adaskaveg, J., and Charlton, N.D. Venturia carpophila - mating type idiomorphs and genetic diversity on peach in the southeastern U.S.A. Phytopathology 110: S2.34. 2020

Schmutz, J., 2020, Applying advanced genomic techniques to build research infrastructure for crop improvement, Bayer, invited talk.

Schmutz, J., 2020, "HiFi: Amazing applications for genomic research", PACBIO Global Summit, November 2020.

Shiller, J.B., Bock, C.H., Charlton, N.D., Krom, N., Alarcon, Y., Monteros, M., Graham, C., and Young, C.A. Development of a Venturia effusa pangenome to aid in the identification of cultivar specificity genes. Phytopathology 110: S2.191. 2020.

Walworth, JL. 2020. "Performance of Pecan Rootstocks in Challenging Soil Conditions." Presented online at the XXI Simposio Internacional de Nogal Pecanero 2020, October 12, 2020. Hermosillo, Mexico.

Wang, J., Kumar, S., and Song, M., 2020. "Joint grid discretization for biological pattern discovery", Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics (BCB 2020), Article No.: 57, pp. 1:10, Virtual Event, USA, September 21-24, 2020. doi:10.1145/3388440.3412415

Bentley, N.B., Grauke, L.J., & Klein, P.E. (2020). Linkage Mapping and QTL Analysis of Pecan Scab Susceptibility and Spring Emergence from Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) of a Full-Sibling Pecan Population. Poster presented at Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego, CA.

Bentley, N.B., Grauke, L.J., & Klein, P.E. (2020). Genomic Resources for Pecan. Pecan Growers Advisory Board, Webinar.

Bhattarai, G., S. Cao, and P. Conner. 2020. QTL Mapping for Pecan Scab (Venturiaeffusum) Resistance Based on High-Density Genetic Maps in Pecan (Carya illinoinensis). Plant & Animal Genome Conference, Jan. 12, San Diego, CA. (Poster)

Bhattarai, G., V. Bonhomme, and P. Conner. 2020. Morphometric Analysis of Nut Shape of Commercial Pecan Cultivars. Univ. Of Georgia Inst. of Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics Annual Retreat. July 30, Athens, GA. (Poster)

Cervantes, K., Grauke, L.J., Wang, X., Conner, P.C., Bock, C.H., and Randall, J.J. 2020. Pecan seedling microbiome composition may be influenced by geographical location and host genetics. XXVIII Plant and Animal Genome Conference. January 11-15, 2020.

Hien H., Hua Zhong, and M. Song. Optimality, accuracy, and efficiency of an exact functional test. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Main track. pp. 2683-2689, Kyoto, Japan, January 5-10, 2020.

Mattison, Chris. 2020. Proteomic Analysis of Developing Pecan Nuts - South Eastern Pecan Growers Association Sandestin Florida February 22-23, 2020.

Randall, J., Rhein, H., 2020, Alternate bearing and flowering gene networks inCarya illinoinensis(pecans), Plant and Animal Genomics Conference, San Diego, Jan. 2020 (oral).

Randall, J., 2020, Pecan Genetic Improvement, Western Pecan Growers Conference March 2020.

Randall, J. 2020, 'Genetic tools for pecans', Arizona Pecan Growers Virtual Conference, August 28, 2020.

Mason, K., Twitchell, A., Rhein, H., Randall, J., 2020. Battling alternate bearing: promoter analysis of flowering genes in pecan. NMSU URCAS April 2020.

Mason, K., Twitchell, A., Shadgou Rhein, H., Randall, J., 2020 Promoter Motif Analysis of Putative Flowering Genes inCarya illinoinensis. ASHS conference August 2020.

Rohla, C., and Graham, C. 2020. Pecan Topics for May. Oklahoma State University Zoom meeting, 56 participants.

Rohla, C., and Graham, C. 2020. Pecan Topics for June. Oklahoma State University Zoom meeting, 69 participants.

Rohla, C., and Graham, C. 2020. Pecan Topics for July. Oklahoma State University Zoom meeting, 60 participants.

Rohla, C. (2020). Equipment needs and tips for planting pecans. Horticulture Industry Show

Rohla, C. (2020). The woe of winter in the heat of the summer. Pecan South,

Rohla, C. (2020). Before you fertilize, understand what your trees need. Pecan South,

Graham, C. (2020). Protecting our crop, protecting our fungicides. Pecan South,

Graham, C. (2020). ID-ing varieties & examining nut abnormalities. Pecan South,

Sanchez, A., Cervantes, K., and Randall J.,2020. Microbiome and phenotypic effects of antibiotics on micropropagatedCarya illinoinensis(pecan), ASHS annual conference, August 2020.

Shadgou Rhein, H., Li, Y., Kumar, S., Song, J., Heerema, R., Schmutz, J., Jenkins, J., Grimwood, J., Grauke, LJ., Randall, J.J., 2020, DEGs involved in the formation of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) pistillate and staminate flowers. XXVIII Plant and Animal Genome Conference. January 11-15, 2020.

St. Hilaire,L., Diamanti, F., Rhein, H., Randall, J.,2020. Characterization of putative flowering genes located on Chromosome 4 in Carya illinoinensis. ASHS annual conference August 2020.

St. Hilaire, R. 2020. What do innovations in plant sciences have to do with orchard management? 54th Annual Western Pecan Growers Association Conference, March 2, 2020.

Walworth, J., C. Smith, R. Heerema, J. Sherman. 2020. Update on Rootstock Salinity Study Western Pecan Growers Association Conference. March 1 - 3, Las Cruces, NM.

Willingham, Jessica Solving the Jefferson Tree Mystery. Noble Legacy, Spring 2020,


Bhattarai, G. and P. Conner. 2019. Construction of high-density genetic maps of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) with genotyping by sequencing. UGA Plant Center Fall Retreat Oct. 25, Helen, GA.

Cervantes, K., (2019). The influence of drought stress on pecan physiology. New Mexico State University Molecular Biology seminar series.

Cervantes, K., (2019). Insights into the impact of geography and genetics on the microbiome ofCarya illinoinensis. New Mexico State University Graduate Student Research Council Conference.

Cervantes, K., Grauke, L.J., Wang, X., Conner, P.J., Bock, C.H., and Randall, J.J. (2019). Influence of geographical location and host genotype on pecan seedling microbiome composition. American Society of Plant Biologists, San Jose, CA.

Grauke, L.J., Ishimori, M., Iwata, H., Randall, J. J. (2019). GWAS and Genomic prediction for evaluating breeding populations and germplasm collection: case studies in Japanese Pear, Apple, and Pecan. Plant and Animal Genomics Conference 2019.

Grauke, L.J. (2019) Pecan Breeding: The Next Generation. TriState Pecan Conference, New Roads, Louisiana.

Grauke, L J (2019). Dynamic use of the National Collection of Genetic Resources for Pecans and Hickories. Invited oral presentation in Workshop Fruit and Nut Germplasm Collections: Treasuries of Genetic Diversity, American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Conner, P. 2019. Pecan tree breeding at UGA. Nat. Assoc. Plant Breeders Ann. Conf. Aug. 29, Pine Mountain, GA (Oral)

Ishimori, M., Takanahi, H., Fukami, K., Cervantes, K., Grauke, L., Tsutsumi, N., Randall, J. J., Iwata, H. (2019). Genome-environment associations suggest local climate adaptation in nativeCaryaPopulations. Plant and Animal Genomics Conference 2019.

Lowe, K.S., Shadgou Rhein, H., Heerema, R.J., Randall, J.J., St. Hilaire, R., (2019). Environmental, Epigenetic, and Physiological Approaches to Decipher Alternate Bearing in Pecans, Annual meeting of American society of Horticultural Science, Las Vegas 2019.

Mattison, Chris. 2020. Food Allergen Preventive Controls For Human Food - Food Safety Preventive Control Alliance (FSPCA), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge LA, November 6, 2019.

Song, J. 2019. Model-free methods for functional pattern discovery. Workshop on Big Data Applications, Challenges, and Techniques, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. November 22, 2019. (Oral Presentation)

Kumar, Sajal and M. Song. Statistical Inference of Discrete Combinatorial Functional Dependency in Biological Systems. Proceedings of the 14th Machine Learning in Computational Biology (MLCB) Meeting}, Vancouver, Canada, December 13-14, 2019.

Monteros, M.J. 2019. More efficient plants are ahead, thanks to genomic technologies. Noble News and Views. Tech Issue. Vol 37. No. 8.

Randall, J., (2019). Pecan tree genetics. Biology Department Seminar, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.

Randall, J., (2019). Coordinated development of genetic tools in pecan, Advisory Board update, Las Cruces, NM. March 3, 2019.

Shadgou-Rhein, H., Schmutz, J., Grimwood, J., Jenkins, J., Song, M., Heerema, R.J., Grauke, L.J., Randall, J.J., (2019). DEG studies of flower initiation genes in type I and type 2 pecan varieties. PAG 2019. San Diego.

Shadgou-Rhein, H., Schmutz, J., Grimwood, J., Jenkins, J., Song, M., Heerema, R.J., Grauke, L.J., Randall, J.J., (2019). DEG studies of flower initiation genes in protandrous and protygnous pecan trees. National Center of Genomic Research, Santa Fe, NM.

Shadgou Rhein, H., Schmutz, J., Grimwood, J., Jenkins, J., Song, M., Heerema, R.J., Grauke, L.J., Randall, J.J., (2019). Unmasking the mysteries of Catkin floral initiation inCarya illinoinensisthrough RNA-Seq analysis, Annual meeting of the American society of Plant Biologists.

Shadgou Rhein, H., (2019). Molecular mechanisms ofCarya illinoinensis(Pecan) Flower Induction. New Mexico State University Molecular Biology Seminar Series.

Song, M., (2019). Model-free Methods for Inferring Networks in Molecular Biological Systems., Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

Song, M. (2019). Model-free Methods for Inferring Networks in Molecular Biological Systems. Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno, Czech Republic.

Walworth, J.L., R. Heerema, and J. Sherman. Leaf Nutrients: Tree to Tree Variability.2019 The Western Pecan Growers Association annual conference, March 3-5, 2019, Las Cruces, NM.

Walworth, J.L., Pecan rootstock salinity study in Arizona. Coordination of development of genetic tools for pecan Advisory Board meeting March 3, 2019.

Grauke, LJ, Wang XW. (2019). Considerations related to the designation of a Core subset forCarya. Acta Horticulturae (International society of Horticulture Science). In Press.

Wang, XW, Grauke LJ. SNP discovery and SSR mining from CaryaillinoinensisRADsequences. Acta Horticulturae (International Society of Horticulture Science), In Press.

Alarcon, Y., Bock, C.H., Steele, J., Tang, Y., Wood, B.W., Rohla, C., and Monteros, M.(2019). Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) of Pecan Scab Resistance in a Provenance Collection. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA, 2019.

Alarcon, Y. Bock, C.H., Steele, J., Tang, Y., Wood, B.W., Rohla, C., and Monteros, M.(2019). Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) of Pecan Scab Resistance in a Provenance Collection. National Association of Plant Breeders Annual Meeting, Pine Mountain, Georgia, U.S.

Bentley, N. B., Grauke, L. J., & Klein, P. E. (2019). The Development of Linkage Maps for Pecan from GBS Data and Their Application to Refine the Next Pecan Reference Genome. Poster presented at Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego, CA.


Bentley, N. B., Grauke, L. J., Conner, P. & Klein, P. E. (2018). Genetic Linkage Maps for Pecan from Biparental Mapping Population GBS Data. Seminar presented at the Plant Breeding/Genetics Circle, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Bentley, N. B., Grauke, L. J., & Klein, P. E. (2018, November 16). Development of Genetic Linkage Maps Synteny between Pecan and Walnut Identification of Trait Associated Loci. Seminar presented at the Institute for Plant and Genomics & Biotechnology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Cervantes, K., (2018). The influence of the pecan microbiome on pecan adaptation. New Mexico State University Molecular Biology seminar series.

Heerema, R., (2018). Advancements in pecan rootstocks. New Mexico Pecan Growers Association Conference, Las Cruces, NM.

Heerema, R., (2018). Pecan cultivars and rootstocks. Western Pecan Production Short Course, Las Cruces NM.

Heerema, R., (2018). Pecan rootstocks for the southwestern states. Arizona Pecan Growers Association Conference, Tucson, AZ.

Heerema, R., Sherman, J., and Randall, J. (2018). Pecan Diseases. Western Pecan Production Short Course, Las Cruces, NM.

Randall, J., (2018). Genetics and the future of the pecan industry. Western Pecan Production Short Course.

Randall, J., (2018). Pecan rootstocks. Western Pecan Production Short Course.

Rhein, H., Barnes, S., VanSyoc, B., Fisk, J.N., Song, M., Thompson, M., Heerema, R.J., Randall, J.J.. RNA-Seq analysis of genes involved in pistillate flower initiation inCaryaillinoinensis. Acta Horticulturae (International Society of Horticulture Science), In Press.

Rohla, C., Managing Your Pecan Orchard. January 17, 2019, at Noble Research Institute.

Rohla, C., Controlling Pests in Pecan Orchards. April 18, 2019, at Noble Research Institute.

Graham, C., Clay County Pecan Field Day. May 2, 2019, at Montz Pecan Company Charlie, TX.

Rohla, C., Native Pecan Field Day. April 25 at 5 Star Pecan and Cattle Ranch Okemah, OK.

Conner, P., "University of Georgia Pecan Cultivar Tour", Tifton and Ray City, GA (September 20, 2018).

Western Pecan Production Shortcourse Workshop. October 15-October 17, 2018. 170 participants including pecan growers, processors, nurseries, and researchers

Monteros, M. 2018. Opportunities for DNA fingerprinting in pecan and understanding the genetics of pecan scab resistance. Georgia Pecan Growers Conference. Tifton, GA.

Monteros, M. 2018. Decoding pecan genetics and the potential impacts for pecan growers. Texas AgriLife Extension Horticulture Agents Training. Ardmore, OK.

Bentley, N. B., L. J. Grauke and P. E. Klein. 2018. Development of Genomic Resources for Pecan. Oral Presentation. Department of Horticultural Sciences Seminar Series, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Shadgou-Rhein, H., Barnes, S.D., Fisk, J.N., Song, M., Heerema, R.J., and Randall, J.J. 2018. Transcriptomic analysis of flower initiation genes in pecan. Plant and Animal Genomics Conference, San Diego, CA.

French, J., Heerema, R. J. (presenter), and Flynn, R. 2018. Pecan Maternal Genotype: Implications for Nutrient Uptake in Alkaline Soils. Oral Presentation at Annual Conference of American Society for Horticultural Science, Washington, DC.

Herrera, C., Grauke, L. J., Randall, J. J. 2018. Coordinated Development of Genetic Tools for Pecan; linking the past, present, and future through databases. Oral presentation in Workshop Using the GRIN-Global Database as a Research and Breeding Tool. American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference, Washington DC.

Shadgou-Rhein, H., Song, M., Bently, N., Klein, P., Jenkins, J., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Grauke, L.J., Randall, J.J. 2018. Gene expression analysis of pecan (Caryaillinoinensis) flower structures using RNA-Seq International Society of Horticulture Science. Istanbul, Turkey.

French, J., Heerema, R. J., and Flynn, R. 2018. Pecan Maternal Genotype: Implications for Nutrient Uptake in Alkaline Soils. Abstract for Annual Conference of American Society for Horticultural Science, Washington, DC, 3 August, 2018. In Press (to be published in an online supplement to HortScience in the fall of 2018).

Grauke, LJ, Wang XW. 2018. Considerations related to the designation of a Core subset forCarya. Acta Horticulturae.

Wang, XW, Grauke LJ. 2018. SNP discovery and SSR mining fromCaryaillinoinensisRAD sequences. Acta Horticulturae.

Rhein, H., Barnes, S., VanSyoc, B., Fisk, J.N., Song, M., Thompson, M., Heerema, R.J., Randall, J.J. 2018. RNA-Seq analysis of genes involved in pistillate flower initiation inCaryaillinoinensis. Acta Horticulturae.


Bentley, N. B., L. J. Grauke and P. E. Klein. 2017. The Characterization of Pecan (Caryaillinoinensis) Germplasm Using Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS). Oral Presentation. 2017 ASHS Annual Conference, Waikoloa, HI.

Randall, J.J., 2017. Pecan Genetics and clonal pecan rootstock. Oral Presentation. XVIII Simposio Internacional de Nogal Pecanero 2017, Hermosillo, Mexico.

Alarcon, Y., M.J. Monteros. 2016. Scientific advancements provide pecan cultivar identification tools. Ag News and Views. Vol. 34. No. 6. June 2016.

Bentley N. The Characterization of Pecan Germplasm Using Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS)". Texas A&M Plant Breeding Symposium- The Vavilov Method: Using Genetic Diversity. College Station, TX Feb. 15-17, 2017.

Grauke, LJ,Carya: The Next Generation. Texas A&M Plant Breeding Symposium- The Vavilov Method: Using Genetic Diversity College Station, TX. Feb. 15-17, 2017.

Alarcon, Y. et al. Identification of pecan scab resistance gene candidates in a pecan provenance collection using a combined bulked segregant analysis and genotyping by sequencing approach. American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) 2017.Honolulu, Hawaii June 24-28, 2017

Alarcon, Y. et al. Genomic resources for pecan and pecan scab resistance. National Pecan Scientists Meeting, Ardmore, OK.

Randall, J., Development of Genetic Tools for Pecan, American Society Horticulture Science 2017, Kona, HI September 18-22.

Randall, J., Cervantes, K., Ray, D., Fisk, J., Soneji, J., Sanchez, L., Grauke, LJ, Wang, X., Insights into the impact of geography and genetics on the microbiome ofCaryaillinoinensis, VIII International Symposium on Walnut, Cashew and Pecan, Santiago, Chile. November 29-December 2.

Randall, J., Rhein, H., Fisk, J., Barnes, S. Song, M., Thompson, M., Heerema, R.J., RNASeq analysis of genes involved in pistillate flower initiation inCaryaillinoinensis, 2017, VIII International Symposium on Walnut, Cashew and Pecan, Santiago, Chile. November 29-December 2

Grauke, LJ, Wang XW, Considerations related to the designation of a Core subset for Carya. 2017, VIII International Symposium on Walnut, Cashew and Pecan, Santiago, Chile. November 29-December 2.

Wang, XW, Grauke LJ., SNP discovery and SSR mining fromCaryaillinoinensisRAD sequences. 2017, VIII International Symposium on Walnut, Cashew and Pecan, Santiago, Chile. November 29-December 2.

Randall, J.J., Grauke, L.J., Wang, X. Developing genetic tools and the role of the national germplasm repositories. International Symposium on Walnut, Pecan, and Cashew, ISHS, Santiago, Chile.

Copyright 2021-2025 New Mexico State University Board of Regents.

This work is supported by the Specialty Crop Research Initiative Coordinated Agricultural Project no. 2022-51181-38332, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.

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